About Us

Status: national
Organization type: association
Scope: general
Contact: Gianfranco Visentin (General Secretary)
Address: Via A. Volta, 46 – Trento – IT. Zip code (C.A.P.): 38123
Telephone/Fax: +39 0461.91.39.60
E-mail: amb@ambbresadola.it
: https://www.ambbresadola.it
Mycological interest
: Macrofungi, Wood-decay fungi
Applied interest: field mycology, toxicology, mapping, conservation, taxonomy
Portrait: The Associazione Micologica Bresadola was founded in Trento, 7 December 1957 with the denomination of “Gruppo Micologico G. Bresadola”. This denomination derives from the Abbot Giacomo Bresadola, one of the most important mycologist. Only in 1987 it changes its name into “Associazione Micologica Bresadola”.
It is governed by the Board of Directors composed of 11 members. They continue in office for four years and they are reelegible. The Board of Directors elects among its members the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasures. The membership are 9,000 divided into 131 local groups (There are also 400 foreings members, societies and privates). The aims of the Association are to associate people who are interested in mycology and in knowledge and conservatio of the botanic and ambiental patrimony. The Association carries on an intense activity in differents fields.: editorial, scientific, legislative and local activity due to every group. It cooperates with State, regions, and institutes for the realizzation of rules that regulates the mycological subject. Into the Association there is the Mycologic Study Center whic aims are: administration of the Bresadola Mycologic Library and in particular of the bibliography acquisition and donation; creation of a scientific data bank on census and indexing of the fungus species; creation of a mycologic erbarium and of a data bank for toxicological problems.

Meetings: study’s seminar, simposia and in particular toxicology’s simposia are organised by the Mycologic Study Center. Scientific Commitee are held twice in a year (spring, autumn) lways in differents places. It is composed of 320 mycologist (italians, foreingers). Several smaller field meetings are held by local groups.

Contents: the herbarium contains specimens collected in Italy
Numbers of specimens: 18.500
Group held: Basidiomycetes, Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes, Zygomycetes.
Catalogue: on database

the Bresadola’s Library contains about 2.500 books today, and 100 periodicals. The list of the books and the periodicals of the library is avaiable into download to file “Titoli.zip”. The library contains also older literature infact there is the original book “Nova Plantarum Genera”, 1729, by P.A. Micheli (pagg. 234, Firenze).


  • Rivista di Micologia (1957-), is published three times per year in Italy and contains articles on mycology and Association news.
  • Pagine di Micologia (1994-), is published two times per year and it is edit by Study Center.
  • Funghi e dintorni (2018-), is published three times per year in Italy and contains articles on mycology and Association newsMiscellaneous:
  • 1979, LAZZARI G.: Omnia Bresadoliana extracta in unum collecta.
  • 1980, LAZZARI G.: Glossario micologico in 5 lingue.
  • 1985, BELLÙ F. & LAZZARIG.: Atlante Iconografico.
  • 1990 BATTARA J.A.: Fungorum Agri. Storia dei funghi dell’agro riminese (reprint)
  • 1993, ALBERTINI J.B. & L.B. Schweiniz: Conspectus Fungorum in Lusatiae Superioris Agro Niskiensi Crescentium. Ristampa anastatica.
  • 1993, MONTECCHI A. & G. LAZZARI: Atlante fotografico dei funghi ipogei.
  • 1995, CACIALLI G., V. CAROTI& F. DOVERI: Funghi Fimicoli e rari o interessanti del litorale Toscano.
  • 1998, SARNARI M.: Monografia illustrata del Genere Russula in Europa – Tomo 1. available only in pdf format
  • 1998, CACIALLI G., V. CAROTI& F. DOVERI: Contributio ad Cognitionem Coprinorum. Monografie di Pagine di Micologia.
  • 1999, PAPETTI C., G. CONSIGLIO & G. SIMONINI: Atlante fotografico dei Funghi d’Italia – Vol. 1. Divulgativo.
  • 2000, MONTECCHI A. & M. SARASINI: Funghi Ipogei d’Europa. not available, out of stock
  • 2000, VV.: Micologia 2000. Raccolta di articoli monografici inediti per inaugurare il nuovo millennio.
  • 2001, CONSIGLIO G. & C. PAPETTI: Atlante fotografico dei Funghi d’Italia – Vol. 2. Divulgativo.
  • 2003, ROBICH G.: Mycena d’Europa vol. 1. not available, out of stock
  • 2003, CONSIGLIO G., D. ANTONINI & M. ANTONINI: Il Genere Cortinarius in Italia – I°.
  • 2004, SARASINI M.: Gasteromiceti epigei. not available, out of stock
  • 2004, DOVERI F.: Funghi Fimicoli Italici.
  • 2004, CONSIGLIO G., D. ANTONINI & M. ANTONINI: Il Genere Cortinarius in Italia – 2°.
  • 2005, SARNARI M.: Monografia illustrata del Genere Russula in Europa – Tomo 2.
  • 2005, CONSIGLIO G., D. ANTONINI & M. ANTONINI: Il Genere Cortinarius in Italia – 3°.
  • 2006, CONSIGLIO G., D. ANTONINI & M. ANTONINI: Il Genere Cortinarius in Italia – 4°.
  • 2006, MEDARDI G.: Atlante fotografico degli Ascomiceti d’Italia.
  • 2007, CONSIGLIO G., D. ANTONINI & M. ANTONINI: Il Genere Cortinarius in Italia – 5°.
  • 2008, JAMONI P.G.: Funghi alpini delle zone alpine superiori e inferiori.
  • 2009, CONSIGLIO G. & L. SETTI: Il Genere Crepidotus in Europa.
  • 2009, FOLLESA P.: Manuale tecnico-pratico per indagini su campioni fungini. Campioni ufficiali e Intossicazioni da funghi. Con la collaborazione di F. Assisi, Aureli, E. Brunelli, L. Cocchi, P. Melià, C. Papetti & G. Visentin.
  • 2009, CONSIGLIO G. & C. PAPETTI: Atlante fotografico dei Funghi d’Italia – Vol. 3. Divulgativo.
  • 2012, CONSIGLIO G.: Il Genere Cortinarius in Italia – 6°.
  • 2015, SARASINI M., A. BINOCOLETTO & A. DE VITO: Funghi Ipogei – Catalogo illustrato delle specie della Brianza, dei territori Lariani e delle zone limitrofe. Monografie di Pagine di Micologia.
  • 2015, MILANESI I.: Conoscere i funghi velenosi e i loro sosia commestibili. not available, out of stock
  • 2016, ROBICH G.: Mycena d’Europa vol. 2.
  • 2018, CONSIGLIO G. & L. SETTI: I Generi Hohenbuehelia e Resupinatus in Europa. Monografie di Pagine di Micologia.
  • 2021, FRANCHI P. & M. MARCHETTI: I funghi Clavarioidi in Italia. Opera in 2 volumi.

A brochure is published by Study Center every time a meeting is held.
Database: the Library, membership list, herbarium and mapping are avaible on database. The Association is preparing the list of all the species published in its Library. The list will be avaible on database.

Membership fee 2023

  • Italy € 15,00 – Europe € 27,00 – All the other countries € 37,00.

The registration is allowed only through one of the 131 Groups that compose the Associazione Micologica Bresadola


From 2005 it is possible the simple subscription to the Rivista di Micologia, to the followings conditions: – Italy € 24,00 – European Countries € 42,00 – All the Countries € 47,00, plus adjustment of postal charges.

The fee may be paid by an international money orders or by a credit to the postal current account n. 16212383, made payable to the Associazione Micologica Bresadola – via A. Volta, 46, – IT – 38123 Trento. The payments from abroad have to be made exclusively by international money orders as indicated above.

The General Secretary: Gianfranco Visentin